Friday, November 7, 2014

We're Moving on Up - Part Two

Since we have experience building walls, I don't want to spend too much time on it - we basically need to follow the same format, same height, remembering windows and a door, if you choose to have a balcony.  I am going to have a balcony so I will walk you through how I am doing my balcony.  I would love to hear if you have any other ingenious ideas for balcony construction.

I gave you a preview of my balcony yesterday.

It is basically the same as building a floor, only smaller.  The only thing you need to make sure a balcony has is a barrier around it. (So your peeps won't come off.)

I chose a farm like fence because I thought it went well with the house design.  Here is a close up picture of the fence:


This is how my walls, windows and doors look on my completed second floor:

The final step is CAREFULLY putting the second floor on to what will soon be our finished product.  Here is what mine looks like with the balcony attached as well.

Notice I put the balcony over the sitting room that I added to my first floor. 
I know there is an opening, but I am not sure how I am going to seal it up - I hope we have some good options when we get to the roof portion of the build.
Tomorrow, we will finish the second floor - talking about stairs or ladders, and stability for the second floor. 
Have fun building and see you tomorrow.

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