Sunday, December 7, 2014

Ready, Set, GO!!


 We will be working on a minivan (or SUV) for a few days.  Since we have a robot mind from Lego Mindstorms, I decided to use it for the car.

So, today, I decided that I would begin with the wheels and movement and then we can work on the actual car for the next few days.

We  have two Mindstorms - the original and the Star Wars Droid Developer.  I decided to use the Star Wars one, since it was a bit smaller.

Here is the front part that makes the wheels turn:

I put one of those metal star stick things in there:

I build a piece with the "one-by" bricks with the holes in the side and stick it through the brain.

I then add a gear to end (to make the wheels turn):

I add two of those whole bricks to the sides for the next step:

Another gear gets put into one of the star sticks and lines up, right-angle like, with the first gear.

I then use the wacky "L" shaped with holes pieces and the locking little pegs:

I then add these to the sides of my front.

I then add wheels to the front and back!

The back wheels are simple Lego wheels.

And... It runs!!!

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